I am so addicted to C★nverse bags recently! It is not only has a attractive appearance but also durable! What I know about Converse is shoes. Or may be they are famoust at sneakers.
Yet, I get the first thing of Converse is their lady handbag. The first bag was given by baby as my 19th birthday gift. It means a lot to me. It is pink in color with a grey pink stripe shoulder straps. Furthermore, the bag is the so-called limited edition. So, I no need to scare I'll crash with many peoples. I am totally out of different with others. That's one of the reasons I like the Converse bags the most. The Converse bags have their seasons, for example, this seasons have 2 types but some differently in design.
For this season, I am targeted a lady handbag again! OMG! I wish to own it. This version have 3 different type, but then I like this the most.
Hmmm...I am awaiting for my salary. After I get it I guess it'll become one of my collection. Okay, I am starting the journey of collect a version of Converse bags. Heyyyyyya~ Nobody can stop me right now, I guess so. X )
God! I am getting to MATERIALIZE.
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