Thursday, December 31, 2009

Past tense

I am so wrong! I'll shouldn't put such a high expectation. The higher the expectation, the deeper the despairing.
All the things that had been decided early disappeared suddenly without any declaration. Just like those bubbling dream we made when childhood.
Despair emptiness my heart. I couldn't say anything for this moment. Mute perhaps.
Just let it be... Just let go... I can't do anything. So obsess for what?
All the things until the end just become a past tense.

Hungry Ghost

I am totally HATE of my stomach! I can eat a lot of food in a very short time interval. I am wonder y my digestive system such good? Every time when I had finished a meal or finished eating something, few hours later or even worse few 'minutes' later I'll keep yelling " I am hungry...I want to eat..." Hmmm... other people don't know me well will thought that I am a swallower! ! Although myself also feels like that. X )
Just like yesterday, 6pm something me and bao bei had steam boot as his breakfast, lunch and dinner, as my lunch and dinner. XD We were expecting to eat that very long time ago and finally get it yesterday~ *grin*

-Few more hours later-

The drum inside my stomach was start rumble... I have no choice to let them eat 'cause if I ignore their 'order' I'll being protest by them! And the one who suffering is only me. So, I keep eat that things... All junk foods! Hmmm...Start from when, my stomach has become a big 'garbage bin' already huh? Or those junk food automatically 'run' inside my stomach?? (too much Cartoon Network huh?)
I guess the roundworms are one of my family member now. They sleep inside my stomach, sucks dry all my nutritions (that's y my hair always keep on the same length! shit them!). Somebody said, I am very glad with them. 'Cause I can keep eating with the food I want and won't get fat! And so wish that I could 'donate' some of my 'dearest' part of the rounworm to them!? WTH! Should I happy with their parasit-ing?

I am getting madness!!! HAAAH

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Tortuous life of mine

Sometimes, I was wondering y my life is full with thistles and thorns. My way towards successful is always hard then others. I must put twice efforts to archive victory.
Yet I am try to do my best, but only failures will follow me at the end. I felt frustrated with it. I can't get a good result, I don't have a real good friends can discussed with (I had it now), my family not united at all, all relatives don't like us...... Feels that God treat me unfairly!
Since I study at here, I had discovered that many of friends they have the same situation as me. Some of their life more tragic then me. If compare with them, I consider the 'lucky' one among them. So, I need to be change my notion that 'I am a girl that abandon by God'.
I know, God doesn't abandon anyone i this world, He did those things for us just to temper oneself. I must feel glad that I am being the 'one' who choose my Him. After all, I'll become more maturity on my way of thinking then other peeps who same ages with me.
Moreover, He let me found my 'Prince destiny' to accompany me spend the rest of my life. I should happy : )

Friday, December 18, 2009


Yumi just discovered her Love Match:
And the result is:
1): Ryan 阿豪 仔
(Originality has 2 more guys, but that is not accurate. No need to bother.)

I was wondering, how they do this. Haah. The result really surprising me~

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Things are always out of our expectation.
People said, good-heartedness often meets with recompense.
I couldn't see anything in return.




Antagonize character always controlled the situation.
Everything going to change soon.
Those glorious moment flash back suddenly, I can't catch them as well.
Complexity emotion crushing on my mind. Can I ignore them? Can I treat them like nothing happened? Can I? Can I?
I just can't do anything. I act as anyone else outside there, look on with folded arms... I feel sorry, I couldn't lend a hand to u.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Good Luck

Today will be an excitement day for my bao bei Ryan king and dearest Naylor gege. They will undergo their final culinary art exam. They were prepared so long time, today is time for them to show out what had they learned so far.
After all, they are consider as being graduated already. Wow~ So good~ I so hope I can graduate with them. T__T
But, never mind. I must finish my course until the day I get my Diploma! Although that is useless for me, but at least, it acts as a protection for my future if I fail to archive my wish.
This time I think I won't be so easy give up my dream! I must steadfast what am I planning from the beginning! I can't let it come to nothing again!
Close my ear. Ignore those detracts. Open my mind. Accept all the goodwill advises.

A very Good Luck to them and me!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It's McD time

Hey, I am quite satisfied even though just a McD set lunch.
Hooa...Really a long time I didn't eat fast food... Opps, then my coursemate was surprising I said so. She said before this still saw me having the McD lunch what... I reply her:"...huh, very long time ago liao eh..." =P
When I am so addicted to fast food huh? Anyone can tell me? Before I am just a 'nub' girl as people said, I ever very hate fast food u know? Oily la, fattening la, unhealthy la, bla bla bla la and so on... Yet, this kind of feeling totally flying away ciu~
What had happened to me ya? Am I become a person that NOT really care about my healthy anymore? I guess this is 'cause McD is fast, easy, convenience, and so fulfill my liking! Before I had step into KL, I thought that I could eat whatever things I want, and refuse to eat the food that I don't even like. But the worse things had happened. I just cannot managed my timing of having lunch or dinner. All the things are ruined! Sometimes, the small portion of food cannot even fulfill my appetite! I guess I am suffer from the 'cynorexia'. Which means eat lots of food just can satisfied my appetite and my psycological needs! OMG! What a scary disease I had! :O
So ya, after I had finished my McD lunch by yesterday, I felt so satisfied. X )
Oh yea, let's has our McD time again~ When huh?

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Stupid guy

When u answered a call from a strange number, or from the person that u feel disgusted with, what will u do for the next step?
I am very sure most of u will straight away hang up the phone. So do I.
This few days I kept received a call from a person that I don't like. Do u know that kinda feeling? Totally impatience of him! Feel annoyed u know??
This telephone harassment is cause by me. I was suffer the consequence of my own doing.
Hmmm...that was a long story to tell.
I worked at the PC Fair that time, got a China guy he said he wanna buy the earphones back to China as a souvenir for his friends. Then I just intro those earphone available to him. He was feeling good with that. He asked me whether can paid with credit card or not. For sure is can 'cause he want to buy 10 pieces at once. I am quite happy as I never sold more then 5 pieces at a time. I kept persuaded him to buy although I am not taking any commission. I know he was intend to buy. But then, he said he will come to buy by tomorrow as he said paid by cash is more convenience and so cheaper.
His acting skill can call as in a standard of 'pro'. He was acting on chit chatting with me about his studies, his family bla bla bla... After that he requested for my phone number. I so never mind to give him 'cause I know I'll never answer a strange call and just ignore them. If they really want it, well I am willing to give them. Haah.
But...he put a flight to me! Urghhh!!! He didn't came as what he promised me! Damn it!
Until now he still keep calling me non-stop. Hnnng...don't think that u have chance or what, dude! Hate the guy who cheated me as well! U are one of them!...and STOP CALLING ME la. Idoit! Your appreance just will ruin my life u know? Go away from my life!


夜 是那么的难熬
人生 最痛苦的时候莫过于像现在一样




Saturday, December 12, 2009

我 好 饿


我发觉 美女都过得很苦

她们 吃东西不能叫最大分的
最好是一碗面吃上个半小时以上 *我的天,面都凉了
这样才能让人感觉到她的娇滴滴 千金肚

她们 不能大声说话

她们 还要很友善

她们 动作稍微大些

她们 都被认定品行好兼有礼貌
所以说 当美女不是件容易的事

还好 还好
我不是 哈
听起来酸溜溜 很讽刺

但 观察美女的变态行动不变

Emo suddenly

Time pass very fast as we could not hold...
I still remember how were we meeting with each others.
From the day we start getting together, we were curious, aren't we were making a right decision? Will it be too fast for us being together without deep understanding?
But, all those curiously were broke down by us.
Time is one of our witness.
We were gone through so long.
Although u are not the BEST guy in this world,but that is enough for me.I am glad to be with u.

Next week is ur last week as a student of this means, I got to undergo my 'lonely journey'...
Start from next semester, I would be alone all the times...all the ways...
I know,u all out there will think that I am that kind of girl always pamper by others. But, did u all know when u start to rely on somebody, u can't pull-out yourself easily from him... What's more, he is the guy that very important to u?! is really hard to bear to say good bye with him...

As long as we were still loving each other, that is enough.
I wrote this purposely not to show off our relationship, don't misunderstanding. But just wanna said something that I could not said out from my mouth instead with writing down here.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


距离宝贝的期末考剩下的天数不多...他 最近的压力超大!
那天 我爬起身k书。他突然跟我说‘...什么2粒speaker...什么不要放bay left的...’
每天一副很烦的样子,我 不知道可以帮到他些什么

是不像鸡胸肉的鸡胸肉 哈
总之 就是美味

他还很孩子气的和我说:“我本来想煮羊肉的,可是你喜欢鸡胸肉,所以 就煮这个...”
“没有 你比较重要” 哈~听了我喜滋滋的~^^

♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥

我 很不了解我自己
你说 惨不惨?
但 偏偏这个时候凸槌
说真的 对自己有那么一点点的失望

像宝贝常说:“路 还有很长,不要为了一点挫折就打退堂鼓”
好吧 我尝试看看

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


答案不疑有否。吵架,是否是每对情侣都会?我们 好像从没吵过架。我常气他就是真!小气巴拉,我 第一名。啰嗦唠叨,非我莫属。像极了黄脸婆,欧巴桑。X )
他 常炫耀自己有双巧手,什么都会。尤其是艺术方面,打死都不承认我的才华。喂...我也有艺术细胞的 欧颗?别忘了,你有学过;而我没有。我最讨厌这方面被否认,别否定我!天秤座最有艺术天分了,大众皆知~哈
他是生活白痴,神经超大条。那种地步简直让人 哭笑不得,惨不忍睹。扫个地可以让我冷汗直流...=_="' <<像这样 算我倒霉,以后的家务通通我来。靠你?免了 =P

他还是个动物疯!感觉很大爱酱...其实不然。假假的... 尤其是鱼类和狗狗。他爱死了!很想问他个蠢问题:如果有天他的宝贝黄金猎犬和我同时掉下海,他第一时间会先救谁?他肯定会说 救我。因为...他的宝贝狗会游泳 O>_想怎样?气死我
看到狗就像我看到亚纶酱...哼,肯定输我。看到亚纶我是整个疯了~我的亚纶;我的一切~ 怎样?不爽?=P
天天听他念,念到我也爱屋及乌。不过 我是爱狗多多。雪瑞纳,爱死她。还有小型红贵宾。一个是丞琳的;一个是亚纶的妹妹。呼...幸福 幸福厚~

他有着所有男生都不会有的细心。就连男生都会称他为‘细心的男人’ 喂...别飞走哦...我还需要你勒。^ 3^
38得没话说。正好和我的性格相反。我是那种和人混熟后才敢大聊特聊的人,他是38得和任何人都能混很熟。不过 还好有他,不然我可能还是个自毙到没话说的女生。
欧颗啦 来...chu 一个~
我爱你丫 好吗?




该检讨 检讨

虽然有时候他是真的没跟我解释,但 事后都会乖乖从实招来
无论如何,都该和我商量 好么?


好 我当然相信我宝贝的话
因为 我很爱他

这样 够么?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


即使是生我的气 至少也该让我知道
不想对对方有任何的猜疑 这是最好的方法么?
也许 是我想太多

为何 你好像不把你的心里话告诉我
还是 觉得没必要让我知道
可能 真的是我想得太多

有时候 你一定觉得我很烦 对吧?
很惹人讨厌的性格 我都知道
误会了你 一定觉得不耐烦

其实 我不喜欢那样的你
不过 又如何?
还是 算了吧


但 等下的考试该如何面对
有谁能告诉我 谁?

压力接拢而来 无力

算了 放弃算了吧

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I want my salary

Omg...I think I'll get mad soon...
When just can I get my salary huh? Don't just said soon, soon and soon! But I don't even see the action!!! The job I finished it at the month of August but then, until now I don't see the 'shadow' of my salary!!! Urghhhh!!!!!!
One of my friend said, their salary get 2 weeks after they finished the job. But how about me? My salary? U think I stand there promote ur things is an easy job?? Don't be foolish!!! If so, u can try to do it by yourself!
U said, the check will be bank in to my account after 2 months I finished the job. U said this, did u remember?? Don't play a fool with me! I need my money!!! I want it back!!! I'll not work for nothing!!!
I know, I am not the one only. Out there still got many 'victim' like me! Can't u please just give me my MONEY back?? Can't u??? It is just a simply job for u. So, please...please give my MONEY back to me!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Lonely December

December will be coming. I am expecting with that, cos the PC Fair fall on this blessing month, I can work under a peaceful condition. All my friends are there. Heeh... but something inside my heart is struggling to escape! Escape about what huh?
May be I feel not bear to separate with bao bei. This is the final semester for him, he is no longer the student of the college. He gonna to graduate already. Bring me along, please. I really hope somebody could bring me out from this college. For the next schooling days, I am sure I'll going to college alone. Nobody would accompany me. Wake up alone, take bus alone, take LRT alone, walk alone...and HAVING LUNCH alone?! So bad!
Originally, I though I'll accompanied by Miss Emily. Since I am not moving to Wangsa area, I got to go to college lonely. How sad...X (
I just keep study with the course that I don't actually like very much, how can I continue? If I have an authority to choose my future, I am sure I will persist in the interior design! I so love that course, but why, why would I give up? Why I don't want keep continue to persuade my mama to let me study this course?
Now, all the things just like a 'dream'. I just can 'dream' it at the night.
Somehow, I got to continue until I get my first diploma. I can't let mama feel disappointed on me, I can't do that!
So, just study aimless on this last two semester. No choice.
: (

Friday, November 27, 2009




看看我们的小窝,只属于“你” 和 “我”



Wednesday, November 25, 2009

无奈 :(



反正,都已经不重要了... :(

Monday, November 16, 2009


Somebody is very happy. He got new shirts.
It is just a simply T-shirt but can make him happy like this.

As he is trying the shirts, he keep asking me:"...will it too big?" " it suits me?"
Hmmm... See, he so 'aunty'
有时候 真的有点受不了他。

But, he quite a long time didn't buy new shirts for himself already...
Instead he always bought new one for me.

He said he want bought this shirt because of me.
Cos I said before, I LOVE to see him wear T-shirt.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Bao bei's embrassing event

I have a story to tell. It is about my bao bei again. X )
He did a funny thing again.
Yesterday we were going back from Wangsa Maju LRT Station to my living place at Taman Melati, then he went to buy the one way ticket. I don't know whether he is still in councious or not, then he straight away told the seeling tickets girl:"...Wangsa Maju dua.."
After he said this he still haven't realize that he is saying the wrong thing. Then I keep seeing him and correct him back: "Taman Melati la.."
I saw the selling tickets' girl wanna laugh at him, but she not dare to do so. But I can't control myself cos it is too funny. He felt so embrassed, but I can't stop laughing. XD
Stupid bao bei. X ) but is cuute~ ^ 3^

Monday, November 9, 2009


Yesterday I was working at Jusco Mid Valley. The working time is short as I never work such this short period before. Feel so good~ Start working at 12 o'clook and finished at 8 at night.
I reached there quite early in the morning, cos still need to briefing and ensure I get knew that product before I promote it. But it is a simple job for me, I just need to make the coffee only. Not that one at those coffee shop used the coffee machine to grind the coffee into smallest pieces. I just needa thermos to keep it warm and then served the customers.
The coffee brand name Cafe 21. Do u heard this brand before? I don't know this brand as this time is my first time get knew it. Haah! Can't blame me also, cos I seldom drink coffee except that one can prevent constipation~ X )
That coffee was no taste at all for me! I don't know whether it is my taste buds got some problem or else. But most of the customers said that coffee was very bitter! For me, it is just plain as a mineral water. No taste at all. Except one girl, she's opinion same as me. Haah! My bosom friend~ X )
Before I start working I need to prepare a white skirt by myself. But I asked all of my friends and the answers were just disappointed me. I almost wanna quit that job, but at the end I lend it from my pass supervisor. The second day when I saw that skirt I was just stuns at there. That skirt damn so UGLY! Urghhhhhhh! I not even dare to wear it out! Luckily my bao bei was super good~ He knew that I almost cry out because of that UGLY skirt, so he bought a new white skirt for me~ Yipee~ mmwak~ I not allow myself being UGLY in front of people! I can't accept that! I swear, I will never ever touch that kinda of skirt anymore! Hnn! Degraded my taste of wearing.
The Jusco such a nerd place! Many rules gonna to obey! Hnnn! Hate those stupid rules! People say, rules are meant to be broken! Totally agree with that!
The management side asked me wore the shower cap as they said hygiene! Oh Gosh! That is very UGLY u know! I never wear the shower cap before even thought I am taking my bath! Now, u asked me wear that UGLY thing on top of my head! Are u CRAZY?!
Although I am not satisfied with the rules, but I have no authority to revolt them... : '(
I just can be a chickabiddy to listen to them! How sad huh?
At the night time, when I want to change back my I/C. I just walk the same way as how I get that pass, but he said this to me:" tadi kamu jalan dari mana?" I pointed my fingers and said:"...sana" "...ok, sekarang boleh tolong jalan dari tangga ini tak?..." He pointed that staircase. Oh my God! I just walk in front of u, but u just ignore me? I kept argue with him:" saya dah datang sini, boleh bagi I/C kepada saya tak? Saya kerja hari pertama saja, tak tahu peraturan sini..." Yet, he so CRUEL! He refuse to change my I/C to me! Arghhhh! Feel so angry, but I have no choice. I have to find that stupid staircase!
As I think back, can't blame them also. They just executed their devoir. We must obey the rules, but can't break them! Hnnn!
I just get knew two new friends from there, heeh. Two of them quite funny, cheerful personality and talkative also~ Both of them have a same characteristic is they both are promote biscuits~
This a part of the happiest thing as a promoter, can get know many new friends~
My sales quite good and I am happy to heard that, cos I never promote those foodstuff before. This time as an encouragement for me to promote. I don't want to promote the shampoo already! Very tiring job. Working time is too long! Next time should consider before start working.
After i finished working bao bei treated me having the Korean cuisine~ Ewww~ I love that~Yummy Yummy~

Dol Sot Bi Bim order by me. Love this. This is very healthy, u know. 7 minerals included inside. No fat at all~ That's y I love~( 3

Kim Chi Jji Gae by bao bei. I tasted this before, but it is too spicy for me. Haah

Thursday, November 5, 2009

I love today

Hurray~ The devil week gonna pass soon~ NO BOOKS, NO EXAMS!
Wa~ What a nice day huh?
Just relaxing my days~
Although still got some subject haven't take the exam yet, but NO SCARES, NO WORRIES! At least, the crazy Finance will leave my life soon, bybye to it. NO! Is FAREWELL! Haah... X ) (p/s: but, I still got to take the final exam...)
But I don't care now, at least I no need to see it now!

What a lovely day is today~ : 3

Change myself

Hmmm... I am quite bored with my straight long hair already. U may called me Miss Caprice, or whatever u want to call me. I don't care, I just wanna be myself. Although, I am not that perfect enough.
I start feeling bored with this hairstyle, wanna make some changes such as, perm my hair, give them a curve shape...but my hair still not so long enough. So, i got to wait for a certain time period to let them long.
Just wait and see my new changes, but that is story for future, I guess.
X )

Sunday, November 1, 2009




Failure will love me

Gosh...I loss my intention to do anything!
It feels so hard! I had nobody to talk to, nobody! I had to learn to control by myself.
Exam falls on tomorrow, yet I am doing nothing instead of doing my revision!
What had happened to me? I am wonder, anyone can tell me?
I can't even concentrate on my studies! When the time i saw those stupid notes, I just fall asleep.
Oh God!
I will not pray for any good results, instead I just hope tomorrow will NEVER come!
I am such a BITCH!
A BITCH that would CURSE the world to be disappear.
How did I become so obnoxious?

Only failure will LOVE me.
Failure always seek for excuse. Unfortunately, I am the ONE!

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Ryan King

Hi everyone~ Introduce u guys my newest pet
=>Mr. Ryan King
0pps~ Ryan King is pretending to be a doggie~(quite cute huh) Doesn't he know that, he is a lion?
X )
0kay, better don't tell him, if not we will get into trouble.


Wow~ Support her---Rainie Yang~<3

Friday, October 30, 2009


Recently I am addicted to a game of Facebook. It is not a new game, but kinda old. I had assessed into this game quite a long time ad, but i seldom play. But now, I am start playing again.
See my character inside this game
Yah~ That is me~
I like the costume that I am wearing now~ It is a set of school girl shirt and skirt~ A pair of white bunny ears and three red dots on top my forehead~ If u ask me what is the three dots for? Hmm... I also don't know what does it used for...X ) I just added it to make my little character become more lovely~
Emm... This is my hubby's character~
He wish to become Ninja is it? I guess so. Ninja suits plus fe? What a queer duck huh? But overall quite cute also~
X )

Lastly, this is my restaurant---Angel Street 23
Mostly is pink in color. No y, just because I like pink~

cute? = )

Thursday, October 29, 2009

I am dead

Do u see that?
" Yumi
This is my grave on future? Perhaps?
So cute enough
X )
Our beloved daughter Yumi passed at 2093...
That happened after WORLD WAR 5,
One day, Cigarette Smoking Man come to Yumi and Sneezed...
Which unfortunately cause Yumi's heroical death...

XX, XX, XX, and other loving friends will remember Yumi...

We will always remember...
Hmmm... know i only realize that, why i hate those Smoker that much already. They cause me death!
X )



那年 我还是个小学生

虽然撑伞了 但 它还是毫不留情的拍打在我身上

整个人就像弄湿了的棉花糖 粘粘糊糊的
怪恶心 可 当时哪有想太多

现在 也一样
回家 就没有烦恼
鸵鸟心态 永远不变

Help me...please...

Floating heart begin unstable again...
I feel loss...
I feel worried...
Worried about my coming exam, worried about my assignment, worried about my job...worried about...worried about...
Too much things stuck in the middle of my heart... it is uncountable...
I can't sleep well...I can't!
What should i do for this moment?
I don't know
I have no idea at all
I can't breath...I can't!
Who can rescue me out of the difficulty? Who?
My ANGEL...Where are U? Did u heart that? I need ur help...

Monday, October 26, 2009


如果 我回到从前还有你们的时候
我 还会不会一样疼爱你们
我想 我一定会更爱你们多一点
我 是多么想你们能在次回到我的身边
可 我真的很想
想你们 想到哭
但 我就是那么的想你们
你们 也一样吗?

没了你们 要我怎么办

Not a computer klutz

Hey world~
I am not a computer klutz~
I can install some software by myself
That is nothing for u,
I am proud of myself~
Clap for me please... Don't so selfish~
X )

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Narcism girl

I am too loved to take photo inside the toilet. Haah! Okay, may be i can set a target to capture photo inside the toilets of all big shopping malls in Malaysia~ Wow~ sounds like amazing~ : ) I want to create a new record of Malaysia~ Haah!

Location: toilet of Jusco Cheras Selatan
Editor: Yumi
Leading character: Yumi
Side character: walls of the toilet x)

Yumi <3>

dreaming of bao bei

Love them

Yesterday, i woke up an early morning to accompany bao bei go to Jusco Cheras Selatan. Bao bei has to work at there as a speaker's promoter for 13 days! Hmm...exhausted him... Coincidently, my aunt's house is quite near from there. So, i had decided to give them a visit. Quite a long time i didn't see my cousins~ Miss them horribly! Perhaps they are same as me. Since they were complete one month when they had been born, three of them just stay with my family. As my aunt, their mother has no enough time to look after them. Each of them live with me about 3 years time. We had a lot of laugh, happiness and cry. Because sometimes u know, child were kinda nettlesome. This is the time i should correct them back. For sure, sometimes was my fault. I am quite guilty.

My first cousin boy--- Jay XinHe is the second boy which is small then me, besides my younger brother. I gave him lots of love. He so stick to me cos i always brought him to buy sweets and those stuff. U know,it is irresistible~ He usual sleep at the same bed with me. I know he love me, me too. When he is bringing back to KL, i still following him back. My aunt scare he cannot suit the new life there.

My first cousin girl--- Geok Shuen
I think our affection is the best among three of them. She was really really rely on me. I brought her to buy sweets,ice-cream, had a walk every evening, playing those naive game together,feed her,help her shower...and more...I can't count them as well. There were lots of memories inside my brain. Hmm...feels wanna cry...Time pass so fast, that was once her ages reached 3, it is time for her to leave us. I just too not to bear separating with her! But, i had to let her go. After all, here is not her truly family... She was leaving me for about 1 month, but i still missing her so much! Every time when i saw her clothes, i just felt wanna cry out! I can't control my emotion. All memories had just appear in my mind. It was cruelly to me! I don't think that she will disappear in my life in a very short time period! The cruelly world always pull me into reality. Although i am refuse to accept it! Do u believe that, i had a BIG cry beside writing this post? Huu... Miss them!!

My second cousin girl--- Geok RouShe is always pamper by everyone. She is our naughty and cute princess. She has a pair of big eyes that every girl will jealous, including me! haah! I also sayang her very much. She spended a longer time then her brother and sister with my family. She study here for 1 year. She is very clever, as teacher teached her and she can memorized quickly! She just get the BEST student of the year at her kindergarden~ Amazing huh? I have some effort too. haah! U know, i brought her to her kindergarden to buy book, shirts and register. The first time she was school, she so excited but she cried out in the kindergarden! She refused all the teachers except me. The second day, i brought food to her when her rest time. When she first saw me, she was cried out again! I think she was found some safeness place. Heeh...i so happy she is like that rely on me~ Yet...i had a regret about one thing. I didn't attended her graduation ceremony! She got present dancing somemore! Owh...i just lost the chance! When she is bringing back to KL, i still no chance to say good bye to her... How sad... But, luckily now i get knew how to go to their house. It is a good news~ I wish our affection will last-long and they will not forget me,as their good jie jie.


Cute baby boy

I just feel free to use the software to edit my future baby's look~
Oh, he (is a baby boy...nop, may be he is in an age of 5 or 6 something) is so cute very very! I love him~ haah... I am unhealthiness... I fall in love with a shadow of a shade. X )
My baby boy look alike me the most~ People says, baby boy will always look like mama (which is me.) While baby girl will look more tend to papa (my hubby).
Baby boy has a pretty eyes which is heritage by me. P/S: I am thick face girl
His nose also look alike me~ His hair and mouth just like his daddy~
omg! :O
It is too funny! U also can make ur our 'baby' through this software~
kinda funny enough~
He is our baby boy
get ready



product of Ryan & Yumi~ : ) Look at him, he too shy... XD

Thursday, October 22, 2009





Tuesday, October 20, 2009


This was the worst day for me! U know, when i went home with Miss Emily by bus, an Indian guy bell the ring and prepared to go down from the bus. Then, the bus driver suddenly turned the bus into right hand side. That Indian guy didn't stand well i guess, after all his laptop on hand straight away hit on my back head!!! OMG!! It was really painful u know?? Okay...i can forget his careless, but at least he should say SORRY to me what!!! He doesn't look like confess at all! Keep blaming the bus driver! Didn't he bring his EYES along?!Shit!!! If what happen to me, i will not so easy to let him off!! Seriously!!!
Hate this kinda people! Don't let me meet with him again! I don't know what will i do to him!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


可 你在我心中依然占有很重要的位置


但 我向你保证 我们的感情永远不变

未来 还要和你一起组建更多美好回忆

少了你 我不会快乐


Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Promise together

I met up with my MaG Mian at Times Square yesterday. She was still nice chatting with me. We were crazy like the time we still young, schooling time.
When the time i met with her, she was like get 'stun'! After all we screaming and hugging each other. The first word we said to each other was totally the same. Haah! Our privity still good huh. Not bad.
She said she need a pair of high heel to wear to the evening party. I recommended her the shoes that i targeted last time. I couldn't bought it because bao bei said it was a bit high to me, he scared after i wear it my legs will get abrasion. But this time, i am so bitch. I am too loved that high heel.
I bought it. May be u will say, so fast huh? But u know girls always like that. They can't control their desire of buying things. That will make them become crazy! Girls are shopholists! That is our natural attitude.
A pink color polka dots ribbon in front of the shoes. Ewww... it was so irresistible cute for me and my friend. So, both of us decided to buy the same shoes. We will not feel shame as we bought the same thing. Even thought we were wear at time same time, same place. It is quite a funny when the passerby see us like strange person. We will laugh together; crazy together. This call MaG!
After that, we tough that we were spend too much of money. So, we had decided to had a tea at Secret Recipe. I had my slice of chocolate strawberry and she had her yogurt cheese cake. One word can say is DELICIOUS! Next time i will recommend to MaG Ying, she loved strawberry so much~

MaG Mian~

Chit chatting until can't stop! Like the time we were at secondary school. Those days seems like happened on yesterday. The time passed so fast. When we were still in secondary school, we were hope that our time pass faster as we could study at the college. But now, i am only realize that the most happiness things all happened at those days.
Sometimes, when i am thinking of that it could be a smile on my face. I love them. I miss them. I feel so warm when i am staying with them. They will keep encourage me as i am bleed inwardly. Their results were good among our class, but they will not look the eyes down on me. Happy befriend with them. I wish to have a long period of happiness and spending time with them. Hope our relationship will long-lasting like the 'Kate mascara'. Stickiness and waterproof forever~ :3

Bigger Yumi Vs Smaller Yumi~

Monday, October 12, 2009

99% lucky

daily luck said that i am 99% lucky today~ it is true~
i took a bus ticket that total up is equal to 21. Bao bei said, whenever u get a 21 u may make a wish. yay~ i can make a wish~
hope my wish will come true~
after that
i met Miss Emily at bus coincidently without any predictable~
our fate~ :3

Sunday, October 11, 2009





Friday, October 9, 2009

Assign 'mental'

raining outside there
my heart is brimming with hateness
this is the best moment for me to have my sweet dream
i had to wake up an early morning for the purpose to discuss the so called
damn it!
spoil my wonderful morning
i am here to scream out all my resentful!

ASSIGNMENT ruin my life!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009



可 该怎么办


Sunday, October 4, 2009


我要的快乐 刷着吉他唱歌
假日的午後 好想写一首歌
混乱的世界抛诸脑後 你就是宇宙
预报的台风 想躲也躲不过
陪着你 窝在家里随性创作
Baby 你知道为什麽


我的宝贝 给我个拥抱
你就是我 要追求的目标

我的宝贝 你真的很好
让我脱逃 寂寞的绑票

我爱你宝贝 把你捧在手心
想要保护你 想天天陪你
喜欢你宝贝 喜欢你俏皮

我爱你宝贝 把你捧在手心
想要保护你 想天天陪你
喜欢你宝贝 喜欢你俏皮





Saturday, October 3, 2009

Thank Q

I just bought a sneakers from Momoe. It is a Japanese style sneakers with grey in color and pink gridy. Woow~ It just suits with my new Converse bag which bao bei gave me on my birthday~
Gege and Su Hann treated me eat Sushi King as compensate for my birthday. Xiao Looi was very attentively makes a memorable card for me. U know y, that is a photo of me and my cute Ya Lun~ I just get shock when the time i saw that. Screaming all along. Totally crazy-ing with Ya Lun~ Thanks Xiao Looi a lot, cos i heard that she spend many times to finish this big card. It means a lot to me, seriously.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Little diary

Hello my blogspot~
Long time didn't update, cos recently many things had happened around me. So, let me start the story from my birthday.

23th September,
It was my big day, as u know, my birthday! Early before my birthday, bao bei had told me to celebrate at Sunway Lagoon Theme Park as i never went there before, but i SCARE those SWIMMING POOL FULL with WATER!! How can i went there and enjoying myself huh??
But then, everything must has a first time to try. So, i just pursued myself not to worry too much, as bao bei was around me. He won't leave me alone in the condition of danger.
Bao bei keep saying he was so lucky for that day, cos we used a cheaper prices to get a normal ticket. That was one guy that sold us two tickets with a 'discount' price, because his wife and daughter refused to go in. So, we had the luck~
Hmm... really can't resistant the pressure when my body in the water! It was too hard to move my legs! As i am usual with that pressure, i thought that i am not longer be afraid of the water~ Clap hands please, it was a good news to me~
Bao bei was so naughty. He was planned many pleasantly surprised to shock me. First of all, he just told me that just him will celebrate my birthday with me. But, he has called STEVEN and DA DONG'S XIAO LOOI came together~ Huu... i am totally get shocked u know! I really thought both of them were going back to Steven's hometown. We had a play at those 'screaming' park which was very excited for me. Bao bei said i had make a breakthrough to myself. Because before this i am really defy of those 'scary' games. But now, i can accepted them. All was about bao bei's contributions~
As the day was getting darker, we wash-up our body and decided to have a dinner at Sunway Pyramid. Bao bei was treated me with Japanese cuisine. Not bad to eat~ After finished our dinner, we had a walk at the mall, bao bei bought me the Famous Amos's cookies. Super yummy~
After that, it was the time for me to blowing my birthday cake~ Bao bei has found many brunch of Baskin Robbins cake shop to buy an ice-cream birthday cake for me. Failed at once. But he never give up, cos he want my FIRST birthday cake was a special from others. He has asked from many shops, but all lack of dry ice. He was so disappointed for that, i can see through his eyes. Finally, he bought a mini heart mango ice-cream cake for me. Emm...LOVE BAO BEI RYAN~❤ Then, Xiao Looi was pretending to go to her house to take something but the main reason is to take the gift from bao bei to me~ But i can guess so what bao bei was going to gave me. It was a CONVERSE bag! Pink color with Grey color brim. It looks cute~ It was my FIRST branded bag and costly. Bao bei was planned to buy it for me early when the time i saw this bag. But i didn't request he to gift me, cos it is not cheap u know. He has his way to make me happy easily~ Thanks bao bei again~
Bao bei has decided to had a tea at Station One Cafe. But who knows, he had his second plan to go. As we were chit chatting, my FIRST surprising people was coming to me. Miss EMILY---my jie mei~ and her boy friend--- LEONG~ OMG!!! Their appearing makes me surprising and happy~ Early before this, i am keep waiting her wishes at Facebook. But i failed. Feel so disappointed... but now, i am too happy to see her in front of me~ Woow~ Thanks their little penguin~
My surprise never stop. The important person keep appearing. Next one was Miss TINA~ So glad to see her also. Her house was too far from here and her family was very restrict her action especially at night. I never think that she will appear too~ Thanks her orange color t-shirt~ That was cute~
Thanks again to all my pleasure friends~ Thanks for brighten my birthday and make it a memorable 19th birthday to me~ LOVE BAO BEI RYAN~ SU HANN and NAYLOR gege, thanks for the wishes too. Although, somebody almost forgot my birthday. *sigh*
19 of me

24th September,
I bought bao bei came back to my hometown---Segamat. But not my house, cos i never get the permission for mama. Sorry bao bei, hope u understand my position.
The bus service was very bad! Hot like inside the sauna room!! Bao bei was very annoyed! He keep saying:"...u are no longer 18 year-old already lu, old liao..."= ="" Bao bei, not need so straight word to me, i know i am 19 already. But still looks like 17 years old girl~XD
We arrived there about 2 o'clock at noon. Damn hungry. Gege and Su Hann came fetched us at the bus station then to lunch. After that we hang out ourselves at here and there. Hmm... Segamat really a small town huh, not place can visit!
At the night time, gege brought us to eat the bake fishes who was famous at Segamat. But, i have no idea at all. As bao bei said:"...u are not a Segamat people la, know nothing about Seagmat..." Hnnn... really hurt u know, i just lazy to go under the hot big sun! Is that wrong also? I knew he wasn't meant like that. Kidding~=3
I leave bao bei alone with gege. He will sleep at gege's house for one night. He said he so shame to do that, but i don't think so. He so thick face one. XP

25th September,
I woke up early in the morning to help mama sweeping and then mopping the floor. After preparing all my stuff, i gotta go to Su Hann's house to accompany bao bei. Gege will go to Kuantan for their personal purpose.
We had trouble Su Hann. She brought us bought tickets back to KL, lunch, dinner...anywhere.
Thank Su Hann~

27th September,
1 year anniversary for us of being together. Bao bei bought me to Ikano Power Center to visit the doggies~ We took the free shuttle bus to there.
I am glad to see the small type Schnauzer at the pet shop. So cute to see them when they are cut their fur by the stuff of the pet shop.
Bao bei was excited too. He saw his belove Golden Retriever and Husky! That was too big to me. Feels scary, although both of them are the type of kindly dog. Bao bei was crazy for that. He took the video down when the Husky was trained. I can feel that he was really want to own his first dog.365 days being together~

29th September,
Su Hann has succeeded made a big surprise to us. She came to KL quietly without the knowing of me, bao bei even Tina. She and gege were planned to do so to give us a surprise. Hanging out with her these few days. We had our laugh together. She said the purpose she came to KL is to retrieve back her 'belongings' which bao bei and Tina had owed her so long. These days get along with her my feeling still the same as the first sight i saw her. She still gentle like a little sheep lying under gege.

She will go back to Segamat on today. Hope to meet with her when she is free. Saving trip.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My big day

Hey world,
otanjobi omedeto Gozai Mazu~
sengngi chu ka he yo~
obviously, i just know this 2 foreign languages.
both of them means 'Happy Birthday'.
i am 19 year-old already. So hard to accept this reality.
wish me Happy Birthday~

Monday, September 21, 2009





bitch girl in the world

my bitchiness makes my eye sore
is that possible?
may be.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Working time

Huu... Damn buzy for this few days. Malays were celebrate their Raya break, but me and bao bei had to work. =_="" We suppose to have a relaxing break like them. But the money is more important to us now. We should not reject job when it comes automatically right?? So, just enjoying the working environment~ Although sometimes will feel exhausted. But, this is also consider as a part of gaining experience. Realistic world is totally different from the one u imagine. The cruelest thing may happen anytime, anywhere. U could not estimate it. U have no choice to avoid it, just can accept it by natural. Hmm... How cruel ya.
I am lucky~ I still have my bao bei working with me~ Feel not so lonely~ So, happy working luu~

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


"see the money flying away...heart arching..."

I just posted this to my facebook. But, everyone thought that i am buying something. Am i look alike a 'Princess' that wish to own everything in the world?? May be the answer is a -- YES!! Although my best ever Machi also thought like that. I am kinda disappointed about this. Hmm...feeling so hard. Nobody understanding me. May be i am hard to understand and acted like a 'Princess' that know nothing. I want to clarify here that I DIDN'T BUY ANYTHING! But just REJECTED A JOB! U know y,just now my supervisor made a called to me and asked me whether want to take a job of selling shower cream or not. I used to say yes! But the training day fall on my birthday. This is the first birthday that i will celebrate with bao bei, so i just can harden myself to reject this job. I am quite upset with this. This time i just need to work for a shorter period and get the same salary with last job i had worked. And so, the working place is so near to my living place. I should have no excuse to reject it. Somehow, i had to do so.
Additions, 27th of September is me and bao bei 1 year being together. If i accept the job, it would be unfair to bao bei and he will get angry too. Although he said he will respected my final decision...but i know he wasn't mean like that! I knew.
Just let the money flowing through my fingertips... Just let it... But then, y my heart still arching non-stop?? Y?? Could anybody there tell me y??
Bybye m.o.n.e.y

xiao bai is coming back~

I am super duper happy now~My xiao bai is recovering~ She can singing now~I love to listen to her singing~Ewwww... Thanks bao bei' s friend~
Yesterday night, me, bao bei and his friend went to KLCC watched 'Final Destination 4'. I felt that this movie was just so-so only. Not scary and disgusted as the previous one. Is that a real 'Final' ?? I am wondering.
Haa...i like to take photo inside the toilet~ The lighting was just well-done to take a nice photo...and i am too shy to take photo in front of those strangers~ So, the toilet is the most suitable place for me to take a picture~XD U guys can also have a try ya~
pretending to be a Japanese~

Monday, September 14, 2009


My heart was still arching. U know y, just now i am on the way back from my college with my bao bei and Miss T. We get a bus home and plan to have our dinner. That black-hearted bus driver was cheated my money!! He was so bad-mannered!! He knew i am giving him more money then the bus fees, but he didn't said anything also!! OMG!! What kinda bus driver is that?? JI DAN GAO!!!
Just ignore about that black-hearted bus driver. Let me share my happiness~ My xiao bai(for the people who know me well, they will know who is 'xiao bai'~) can singing soon~ Wuhuu~ I can listen to her singing~ Dalala~
Ohh, i got another good news to share with u all also~ I had my first ever pajamas~ That was so cutee~ When the time i saw it, i just felt that it was so cute and hope to own it already~ Bao bei was so good~ He brought it to me yeh~ mmmwak *(^ 3^)* LOVE my BAO BEI~ I had a super GOOD bao bei~Guys, don't get jealous there~XD
I had a new english name luu~ Yumi is me~ Bao bei said, it is nice name~ =3

Friday, September 11, 2009

Ji Dan Gao

What a boring day today. I just can sit in front of my laptop and facebook-ing. What else can i do?? Hmmm... don't forget, i got assignment had to finish. So, just do the think that i should do. Don't thing other nonsense. Although, i am feels that wanna go out.
I HATE my look now! HATE my full fringe!!! I am just like a silly girl!! Bitch girl!!!
I HATE look myself through the mirror!! Feels wanna split all the mirror in this world!!!
ji dan gao

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


090909. It means a lot~
I missed my full fringe. I want it back.
First time straightened my hair. It seems like not bad, quite satisfied for the result. was too sad about my full fringe. ='{
Hope my full fringe faster grown longer. I don't wanna be a silly girl.
guai la.

Monday, September 7, 2009

i tadaima~

Miss blogspot so much~ But the person i missed the most sure is my bao bei~
I had a bad flu...Keep sneezing!!! Who miss me there?? Hopefully i am not infect by that scary disease...

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

0(. '. )0

Hang out myself a whole day at KLCC. While waiting bao bei knock off from work, i walked into Watson's, Guardian, Isetan, Kinokuniya Bookstore and many other shops. There was quite amusing when u hanging out alone~
When the time reached 8 o'clock at night, all the handmade sushi will had 50% discount. So, i faster get the sushi bao bei like the most and paid. I like to see bao bei get surprising~

feel free and take this photo~
I will go back to my hometown later on. I will miss my bao bei here. Feels like don't want to go home, but i really long time didn't see mama already. Hmmm...don't know what to do.
i am confusing...

Monday, August 31, 2009

Burden gone

Yeah~ I feel so free now~ Relax-ing~ Yesterday was my last day working as shampoo promoter, i worked for 3 weeks. That was damn tired. I am still lucky, because had the companion of my friend--- Xiao Looi~ We always 'squabble' that our idol was the most handsome guy in this world~ =D
Xiao Looi, my AARON YA LUN is the most HANDSOME GUY in the world~ NO one can beat him down~ =3
Yesterday morning, bao bei wake up early to do the breakfast for me~ That was my favorite black sesame stuffed dumplings (Chinese call 'tang yuan'). I like it very much~ Ewww...that was such tasty~ *yummy* I felt very touch, because bao bei seldom do breakfast for me. He himself had no appetite eating too much early in the morning. But he prepared the breakfast because of me~ Love my bao bei~♥
Bao bei also help me to straighten my hair and... make up~ He did those things for me just because of i am too lazy to do so. He so good huh. Bao bei always said :"...u go where find this kind of good lao gong huh?..." zi lian kuang bao bei.
"...erm...don't know o, but i found him already leh..." I reply him like this. XD
Bao bei, i am proud to be your bao bei~ Ignore those nonsense people and their rude words. My world just have a space for you~♥
Bao bei started working on today. Later i will go to his working place to visit him~ Yeah~ Bao bei bao bei, waiting for my coming~♥

Saturday, August 29, 2009

working la.

Lovely Friday

Bao bei brought me to book fair again on yesterday. We reached KLCC on time, while waiting our friends for comming, bao bei and i had a walked on the clothes shop. We spended our lunch time at the nearest KFC. Quite a long time i didn't eat fried chicken already. I ate 2 pieces at once. Sastified for that~ As we are having our meal, bao bei received a called from our PC Fair supervisor. That was a good news for us when that time all of us were very poor. He said, our salary gonna bank in to us soon~ Yea~ Happy news~
We and our friends were very funny u know, because the purpose we go to book fair is not due to buy any book. But is because of Munchy's biscuit~ There were doing a promotion there.
After that, bao bei and i decided to go shopping~ Bao bei so good, he knew i love that cute singlet very much, so he straight away go to buy it for me~ *mwak*
I am also targeted a high heel. That was cute enought. Pink color with black dotes. But that was too high to me. So just forget about it. >_<
It is time for dinner~ Bao bei brought me to Shihlin to fill our stomach. Tasty to eat, especially the handmade oyster mee sua~ *yummy*
Feel tired after shopping. We decided to go home. Yeah~ I got that cute singlet~
I am too bad. I made bao bei anger. After we reached home, bao bei asked me to change the singlet and mini skirt to him for a look. But i refused to do so. How bad am i huh. I am very scared bao bei will angry me. I am very scared bao bei don't want me anymore. I don't want bao bei angry me, i don't wanna he leaved me alone. My life will collapse without him. Bao bei very importat to me~ Luckily, my bao bei da ren very forgiving~ He said he was not grudge to angry me. Thank bao bei...and sorry too...

Friday, August 28, 2009

A story of burger

Hello there, let me tell u a story about......a burger??
Behind of my living place there was a malay stall selling Ramly Burger. My bao bei and i were totally crazy on that~ That was so damn tasty~ The speed of that woman making the burger was very fast~ Usually, after we order the burger, me and bao bei sure will go "shopping" at the nearest 7eleven. As we finished "shopping", i think the timing no more then 15 minutes. Our ordered burger sure be ready~ Woow~
The burger very "flexible" to eat. U know y, that burger can be our breakfast (so far, we haven't do that), lunch, dinner or supper~ Sometimes, we just eat this burger as our dinner. Can fulfill our eating desire and so can save money~ So many benefits huh.
Bao bei very 'bad egg'. Some of the midnight i so will felt hungry. U know, my digestive system is kinda good. Then, he will start to "promote" the burger.
"...crumby bread with the juicy meat...add on some fresh vegetable...yummy..." 'bad egg' bao bei said. Hnn... see, he so bad huh. Always sedured me to eat. But i can't resist the yummy burger! If i just continue eating the burger as my supper so frequently like this, i scared my tummy will become a pregnant lady! Oh God! I don't wanna become like that! Ugly ugly!
Hnn... I must control myself of not being influence by bao bei. I swear. By the way, can i do so??Okay, may be i can't. Totally defeated by bao bei. I surrender, i loss.
Okay, finished story. Applaud please. XD

Thursday, August 27, 2009


It is really hard to say goodbye with that cute singlet and mini skirt... I know i cannot own them anymore... So, y should i promise to buy them down when the time i get my salary?? I promise shit...isn't??
Give some time to me... I think, i will...not! I should forget them!!

Forever 27th

27th of every month is a day that really meant to me. U know y, today is our 11 month being together~ People said, that is not easy to maintain a relationship. But, we both are trying our best to make our relationship become stable. I am glad that we are meeting with each other~
11 month ago
That was a sweet afternoon. We both chit chating through sending messages. I forgot that was who first asked to being together. But i still remember that moment when my bao bei asked me :"...u wanna be my girl friend or not??..."
Oh......I can't resist his enchantment~=3
I fall in love with him by the first sight i saw him~ I felt that he was charming enought~ I also get surprising when the time i agreeed to be his girl friend, because i made a dicision without a longer consideration~ So far until now, i knew my dicision never wrong~ I choose a right person~ A person who will care about my feeling, who knows me well, who always needa good thing for me, who placed my position with his lovely family at the same level as well~
after 11 month
Until today, i still can feel that my bao bei treated me as the same way when we first get together~ The only different is, he is loving me deeper then before~ I so. Hope our relationship will last long until forever~

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My bao bei bao bei~

The day before yesterday, bao bei brought me to the book fair at KLCC. Bao bei SUPER good to me~ He did all the things to make me happy~ He helped me to set my hair~ I love that. That was kinda nice.

my fluffy hair~

When we reached there, i suddently saw a book that totally attracted my sight! U know what kinda book is that?? That was a collection of FAHRENHEIT's portray in Japan~ attracted~
After he paid, we both saw a Munchy's biscuit stall. The promoter asked us to try the biscuit. Then bao bei asked me :"...nice or not??do u want to eat??..."Sure i noded my head like mad. XD Yeah~ I have biscuits~
Bao bei ordered a white tom yam soup and we shared together as our dinner. Later we had a dated with our friends and having dinner together. So, this just a "starter"."...u said u will buy this Aunie Anne's Pretzel for me??" I asked bao bei. I am such greed. Then he straight away brought it to me~bao bei bao bei~ U are so good to me~ Although my temper was not good at all the times, but u still patience on me. Thanks bao bei~ mwak

our attire on that day. I felt that myself like a cartoon character~=3 Did u all notice that?

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Yesterday my supervisor told me that, i still needed to work on next weekend!!! OMG!! How come?? When the day we met, he just told us need to work for 2 weeks. But then how will like this?? So, my plan to go back my hometown need to postpone again... But i missed mama so much...hmm... No choice... September just can go back...
I felt not so bored with the companion of my friend~ We kept talking and talking. Non-stop talking~ =3
We had a lot of topics can chat with each other~ Talked about our family, our boyfriend, or idols and so on~ Really talkative. XD
I felt happy being friend with her~ Hope she will feel like this too~ Later still need to work. So, happy working~

Friday, August 21, 2009


People said i am "fake Rainie"~lalala~ This makes me feel happy~
But i will not become arrogant because of this, just will feel happy enought~ I am not so look alike her as well. She more cute (xN times) then me. I knew it. At least, i can show off in front of bao bei~ Who ask him always "trample" me!
blek =p

Praying for him...

Yesterday i replaced bao bei worked at 1 Utama. I still selling those earphones and handsets. Less people were shopping over there, i think was due to yesterday was not weekend. That was so damn bored!!! Luckily i still can chit chating with my friend~
Until the lunch time, nothing can eat except bread!!! Because the other food i so can't afforded to buy!! *sigh* i think i will become " bread people " soon... Always eat bread, bread and bread!!! Hnn...can't blame people also, who ask me no money??
I poor until didn't having my dinner!! That was so sad... I just can keep working!!
When the time i am ready to back, i just can tighten my stomach and waiting for the bus. It was raining... I felt myself very pity that time... Feels like helpless.
*sigh* again...
Finally the bus came! Oh!! God saved me~ But who knows, that bus was made a big round then since can i reached my destination!!
That was a scene i think i will never ever forget when i am inside the bus. I am not sure where is that place, that was a Chinese old man climbed up to the bus and asked the bus driver something. But that old man's pronouciation not so clear. Even thought for me as a Chinese i also can't get what was he trying to say. Then the Malay bus driver was felt annoyed and drive away that old man. How cruel was the bus driver!! U know, that was raining outside there... He was wearing a worn-out shirt and...his leg was not convinience to walk too long time... Cruely world... I should give him a hand that time... I can do it easily...but y i still sitting at there and watching all those thing happened in front of me?? Felt so guilty... No used for feeling guilty only... Now i just can pray for that old man... Hope he can get his way home... Hope he will meet with a kind-hearted person but not a darken heart like that bus driver... I am praying hard for that old man... Hope u all also pray for him

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


This morning, our condo's power was cut by TNB. The reason is we haven't pay the electrical bill since last month!!! This was not the first time already. Last time we more pity...cos a whole night didn't have electricity supplement!!! Oh gosh!!! U can imagine how HOT is it??
Luckily, my house-mate is willing to pay the out-standing bills for us~ He straight away made a called to our house leader and told him to get the money paid to the TNB.
I am such a lazy person~ I started sleep at 2 o'clock until 4 pm something just woke up!! Cannot blame me also what...cos i have nothing to do! Such a SUPER HOT whether, no winds, no can i survive?? So, better i keep myself cool down. The best way is Sleep~
Aissssss...tomorrow still need to work! Feels like lazy to wake up early. But bao bei more tired then me. So, i must cheer up myself~ Fighting for money~

crazy working

Last Saturday and Sunday i got worked at a super market. That was so damn tiring...The first day i worked there, i woke up at 7 morning to prepare and went to the LRT station to take a bus there...i reached there very early...= ="'omg!!! nothing to do. I want eat my breakfast also can eat sad
When i was working there i were thinking my bao bei horribly!! Felt wanna cried...pity me
I worked 12 hours a day!!! Tiring job...Worked at there just can rest 2 hours!!! omg!!! Can i quit that?? But i know i can't like that...cos i need money!!!
I just knew a new friend~ Thanks her so much~ She really helps me a lot~
Next Saturday and Sunday still need to work ar!! But this time my friends will work with me~yeah~Feel not so boring!!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

everything is okay

huu...damn tired...finally can have a break now~
let me explain what had happened just now...
let us begin the story
just now i rush here and there non-stop!!how to say??since i told u all i got an interview yesterday night, i had prepared well early then the meeting time.i need to reach there earlier cos i want to buy something from the nearess super market. As i reached the super market, i straight away go to the department that selling the things i want.After that paid.i am still hesitating whether want to eat or not?? i haven't eat my dinner on that time.
Aissss...lazy to eat la.Miss Emily send me a message suddently.She asked to meet with her later on."...okay..."i said.
We met at LRT Station,after that go to the mamak stall to meet the Supervisor
Originally,that company is that 1 i had been worked for them before~damn coincidence right??
i get the job~n he told us the details about the product we got to sell tomorrow.
"...memorize them...okay??..."he said.
so we will start working later~He requested us to wear black color's collar shirt n black shoe.But then,i don't have any black color's collar shirt;Miss Emily didn't have black color that super market i shopped just now haven't close down.He is free to accompany us to go there~How good he is.
Finally i chose a simple black collar shirt n its price not so expensive~i still can afford it.Thanks God.
Miss Emily was targeted a ballet style black shoe.That was really cute.Ewwww...attracted my attention too~it is suits for Miss Emily.Same cute ^^ Later on, i straight away go home,cos that was not early already.i said good bye to Miss Emily n that good supervisor~As usual,take the LRT to my place then reached my condo with taxi.Oh gosh!!the taxi fees was really expensive la!!i see my purse start pain...but i had no choice.Who ask me stay at here??
today i were faced by many things.bao bei not beside me so i got to depent on myself.bao bei said i am more independent then before~yes~i am!!i so will prove to bao bei that i am really independent enought~i can do that~don't want let bao bei worry about me~
Tomorrow will be buzy a whole day~n i will stay with Miss Emily~i am expecting that.Happy to stay with her~

Friday, August 14, 2009


ur responed dissapointed me...
i feel so sad
i wanna cry
i feel helpless

stupid then PIG

i am SUPER DUPER stupid
u know y
early this morning, i thought i got an interview
but actually that interview is start on the night
i just totally get the wrong time
oh God
please grant me a sword or whatever thing that can let me regain consciousness!!!
how stupid...

Thursday, August 13, 2009


bao bei is going to outstation for 4 days
4 days man!!
how can i survive??
i got to learn to become independent and strong
hope this 4 days can pass by faster
miss u my bao bei

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

my days

i think i am independent enought
i can do all the things by myself
i am proud of being myself~
cheer for my independency~
yesterday i just finish done my exam that were "out-standing" for many days
ur eyes didn't have any problem
i can take my exam again if i missed them
that was the "style" of my college
don't get suprising~
feels like throwing a BIG STONE into the sea
which being annoyed me for few days
no more burden
sleep tight tonight ^^