Wednesday, August 19, 2009

crazy working

Last Saturday and Sunday i got worked at a super market. That was so damn tiring...The first day i worked there, i woke up at 7 morning to prepare and went to the LRT station to take a bus there...i reached there very early...= ="'omg!!! nothing to do. I want eat my breakfast also can eat sad
When i was working there i were thinking my bao bei horribly!! Felt wanna cried...pity me
I worked 12 hours a day!!! Tiring job...Worked at there just can rest 2 hours!!! omg!!! Can i quit that?? But i know i can't like that...cos i need money!!!
I just knew a new friend~ Thanks her so much~ She really helps me a lot~
Next Saturday and Sunday still need to work ar!! But this time my friends will work with me~yeah~Feel not so boring!!!

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