Friday, August 28, 2009

A story of burger

Hello there, let me tell u a story about......a burger??
Behind of my living place there was a malay stall selling Ramly Burger. My bao bei and i were totally crazy on that~ That was so damn tasty~ The speed of that woman making the burger was very fast~ Usually, after we order the burger, me and bao bei sure will go "shopping" at the nearest 7eleven. As we finished "shopping", i think the timing no more then 15 minutes. Our ordered burger sure be ready~ Woow~
The burger very "flexible" to eat. U know y, that burger can be our breakfast (so far, we haven't do that), lunch, dinner or supper~ Sometimes, we just eat this burger as our dinner. Can fulfill our eating desire and so can save money~ So many benefits huh.
Bao bei very 'bad egg'. Some of the midnight i so will felt hungry. U know, my digestive system is kinda good. Then, he will start to "promote" the burger.
"...crumby bread with the juicy meat...add on some fresh vegetable...yummy..." 'bad egg' bao bei said. Hnn... see, he so bad huh. Always sedured me to eat. But i can't resist the yummy burger! If i just continue eating the burger as my supper so frequently like this, i scared my tummy will become a pregnant lady! Oh God! I don't wanna become like that! Ugly ugly!
Hnn... I must control myself of not being influence by bao bei. I swear. By the way, can i do so??Okay, may be i can't. Totally defeated by bao bei. I surrender, i loss.
Okay, finished story. Applaud please. XD

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