Friday, August 7, 2009

what a shit day

something was going wrong today
gloomy cloud on top of my head
what can i do for this moment??
anyone can tell me??

my stomach was arching like mad!!
but i still ate curry fish balls and tofu served with chilies sauces as my dinner!!...drink tea somemore!!!
i think i will die due to extream stomachache!!
is that possible that i will get the gastritis??
......may be
i wanna eat on time...but when i am coming to KL, my timing of eating being disorder
i don't know why they like to having their meals lately in the night
my stomach can't stand with this
it will revolt by making me into a condition of suffered
i am not put a blame of anyone else...i know they also didn't felt well having their meals early
but i hope at least let my "treasure" stomach digest something on that time

it is to be regretted too when i am window shopping just now...
when just can i go for a "real" shopping??
really long time didn't go for shopping...
i miss shopping horribly!!
i was targeted a shirt and a mini skirt just now!!
feels like wanna to own them
but realistic world was pulling me being calm...
i cannot afford them!!
like a, can i continue??
i swear to buy them when first get my salary!!
i don't care!! i just want them!!
am i too self-welled??
huhuh...i think so...

i was unhappy a whole day
although when the time i am watching a comedy
i am too moodiness...
sorry to bao bei......
he was tried to cheer me up
but i just kept showing him a black face...

bao bei, really dui bu qi~
u are doing so hard to make me happy
but i keep showing u the shit face...
thank you for not get angry with me...
you are very patient on me
thank you so much~

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