Friday, July 24, 2009

greyish Friday

any incident happened inpredicable
we cannot guess what will happen on the next minutes or even seconds
it will come automatically without any deed
when it comes to u
u can do nothing!
this called FATE...
what the shit thing!!
the thing called FATE will control all the things happen in the world
when it is good to u,then u will feel happy;but if that is a bad thing,u have no choice to avoid!
why we can just follow this FATE like an idiot?
can't we dicide our journey of life by ourselves??
or it just a 'small' challenge in our life?
GOD treat this to test human being so that we can become bravier??
i believe that every incident happened on us will not become a stumbling block towards success!
if that is GOD wish to make us more bravier
why should we evade it?
we just accept!
come on
what else??

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