Thursday, December 31, 2009

Past tense

I am so wrong! I'll shouldn't put such a high expectation. The higher the expectation, the deeper the despairing.
All the things that had been decided early disappeared suddenly without any declaration. Just like those bubbling dream we made when childhood.
Despair emptiness my heart. I couldn't say anything for this moment. Mute perhaps.
Just let it be... Just let go... I can't do anything. So obsess for what?
All the things until the end just become a past tense.

Hungry Ghost

I am totally HATE of my stomach! I can eat a lot of food in a very short time interval. I am wonder y my digestive system such good? Every time when I had finished a meal or finished eating something, few hours later or even worse few 'minutes' later I'll keep yelling " I am hungry...I want to eat..." Hmmm... other people don't know me well will thought that I am a swallower! ! Although myself also feels like that. X )
Just like yesterday, 6pm something me and bao bei had steam boot as his breakfast, lunch and dinner, as my lunch and dinner. XD We were expecting to eat that very long time ago and finally get it yesterday~ *grin*

-Few more hours later-

The drum inside my stomach was start rumble... I have no choice to let them eat 'cause if I ignore their 'order' I'll being protest by them! And the one who suffering is only me. So, I keep eat that things... All junk foods! Hmmm...Start from when, my stomach has become a big 'garbage bin' already huh? Or those junk food automatically 'run' inside my stomach?? (too much Cartoon Network huh?)
I guess the roundworms are one of my family member now. They sleep inside my stomach, sucks dry all my nutritions (that's y my hair always keep on the same length! shit them!). Somebody said, I am very glad with them. 'Cause I can keep eating with the food I want and won't get fat! And so wish that I could 'donate' some of my 'dearest' part of the rounworm to them!? WTH! Should I happy with their parasit-ing?

I am getting madness!!! HAAAH

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Tortuous life of mine

Sometimes, I was wondering y my life is full with thistles and thorns. My way towards successful is always hard then others. I must put twice efforts to archive victory.
Yet I am try to do my best, but only failures will follow me at the end. I felt frustrated with it. I can't get a good result, I don't have a real good friends can discussed with (I had it now), my family not united at all, all relatives don't like us...... Feels that God treat me unfairly!
Since I study at here, I had discovered that many of friends they have the same situation as me. Some of their life more tragic then me. If compare with them, I consider the 'lucky' one among them. So, I need to be change my notion that 'I am a girl that abandon by God'.
I know, God doesn't abandon anyone i this world, He did those things for us just to temper oneself. I must feel glad that I am being the 'one' who choose my Him. After all, I'll become more maturity on my way of thinking then other peeps who same ages with me.
Moreover, He let me found my 'Prince destiny' to accompany me spend the rest of my life. I should happy : )

Friday, December 18, 2009


Yumi just discovered her Love Match:
And the result is:
1): Ryan 阿豪 仔
(Originality has 2 more guys, but that is not accurate. No need to bother.)

I was wondering, how they do this. Haah. The result really surprising me~

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Things are always out of our expectation.
People said, good-heartedness often meets with recompense.
I couldn't see anything in return.




Antagonize character always controlled the situation.
Everything going to change soon.
Those glorious moment flash back suddenly, I can't catch them as well.
Complexity emotion crushing on my mind. Can I ignore them? Can I treat them like nothing happened? Can I? Can I?
I just can't do anything. I act as anyone else outside there, look on with folded arms... I feel sorry, I couldn't lend a hand to u.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Good Luck

Today will be an excitement day for my bao bei Ryan king and dearest Naylor gege. They will undergo their final culinary art exam. They were prepared so long time, today is time for them to show out what had they learned so far.
After all, they are consider as being graduated already. Wow~ So good~ I so hope I can graduate with them. T__T
But, never mind. I must finish my course until the day I get my Diploma! Although that is useless for me, but at least, it acts as a protection for my future if I fail to archive my wish.
This time I think I won't be so easy give up my dream! I must steadfast what am I planning from the beginning! I can't let it come to nothing again!
Close my ear. Ignore those detracts. Open my mind. Accept all the goodwill advises.

A very Good Luck to them and me!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It's McD time

Hey, I am quite satisfied even though just a McD set lunch.
Hooa...Really a long time I didn't eat fast food... Opps, then my coursemate was surprising I said so. She said before this still saw me having the McD lunch what... I reply her:"...huh, very long time ago liao eh..." =P
When I am so addicted to fast food huh? Anyone can tell me? Before I am just a 'nub' girl as people said, I ever very hate fast food u know? Oily la, fattening la, unhealthy la, bla bla bla la and so on... Yet, this kind of feeling totally flying away ciu~
What had happened to me ya? Am I become a person that NOT really care about my healthy anymore? I guess this is 'cause McD is fast, easy, convenience, and so fulfill my liking! Before I had step into KL, I thought that I could eat whatever things I want, and refuse to eat the food that I don't even like. But the worse things had happened. I just cannot managed my timing of having lunch or dinner. All the things are ruined! Sometimes, the small portion of food cannot even fulfill my appetite! I guess I am suffer from the 'cynorexia'. Which means eat lots of food just can satisfied my appetite and my psycological needs! OMG! What a scary disease I had! :O
So ya, after I had finished my McD lunch by yesterday, I felt so satisfied. X )
Oh yea, let's has our McD time again~ When huh?

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Stupid guy

When u answered a call from a strange number, or from the person that u feel disgusted with, what will u do for the next step?
I am very sure most of u will straight away hang up the phone. So do I.
This few days I kept received a call from a person that I don't like. Do u know that kinda feeling? Totally impatience of him! Feel annoyed u know??
This telephone harassment is cause by me. I was suffer the consequence of my own doing.
Hmmm...that was a long story to tell.
I worked at the PC Fair that time, got a China guy he said he wanna buy the earphones back to China as a souvenir for his friends. Then I just intro those earphone available to him. He was feeling good with that. He asked me whether can paid with credit card or not. For sure is can 'cause he want to buy 10 pieces at once. I am quite happy as I never sold more then 5 pieces at a time. I kept persuaded him to buy although I am not taking any commission. I know he was intend to buy. But then, he said he will come to buy by tomorrow as he said paid by cash is more convenience and so cheaper.
His acting skill can call as in a standard of 'pro'. He was acting on chit chatting with me about his studies, his family bla bla bla... After that he requested for my phone number. I so never mind to give him 'cause I know I'll never answer a strange call and just ignore them. If they really want it, well I am willing to give them. Haah.
But...he put a flight to me! Urghhh!!! He didn't came as what he promised me! Damn it!
Until now he still keep calling me non-stop. Hnnng...don't think that u have chance or what, dude! Hate the guy who cheated me as well! U are one of them!...and STOP CALLING ME la. Idoit! Your appreance just will ruin my life u know? Go away from my life!


夜 是那么的难熬
人生 最痛苦的时候莫过于像现在一样




Saturday, December 12, 2009

我 好 饿


我发觉 美女都过得很苦

她们 吃东西不能叫最大分的
最好是一碗面吃上个半小时以上 *我的天,面都凉了
这样才能让人感觉到她的娇滴滴 千金肚

她们 不能大声说话

她们 还要很友善

她们 动作稍微大些

她们 都被认定品行好兼有礼貌
所以说 当美女不是件容易的事

还好 还好
我不是 哈
听起来酸溜溜 很讽刺

但 观察美女的变态行动不变

Emo suddenly

Time pass very fast as we could not hold...
I still remember how were we meeting with each others.
From the day we start getting together, we were curious, aren't we were making a right decision? Will it be too fast for us being together without deep understanding?
But, all those curiously were broke down by us.
Time is one of our witness.
We were gone through so long.
Although u are not the BEST guy in this world,but that is enough for me.I am glad to be with u.

Next week is ur last week as a student of this means, I got to undergo my 'lonely journey'...
Start from next semester, I would be alone all the times...all the ways...
I know,u all out there will think that I am that kind of girl always pamper by others. But, did u all know when u start to rely on somebody, u can't pull-out yourself easily from him... What's more, he is the guy that very important to u?! is really hard to bear to say good bye with him...

As long as we were still loving each other, that is enough.
I wrote this purposely not to show off our relationship, don't misunderstanding. But just wanna said something that I could not said out from my mouth instead with writing down here.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


距离宝贝的期末考剩下的天数不多...他 最近的压力超大!
那天 我爬起身k书。他突然跟我说‘...什么2粒speaker...什么不要放bay left的...’
每天一副很烦的样子,我 不知道可以帮到他些什么

是不像鸡胸肉的鸡胸肉 哈
总之 就是美味

他还很孩子气的和我说:“我本来想煮羊肉的,可是你喜欢鸡胸肉,所以 就煮这个...”
“没有 你比较重要” 哈~听了我喜滋滋的~^^

♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥

我 很不了解我自己
你说 惨不惨?
但 偏偏这个时候凸槌
说真的 对自己有那么一点点的失望

像宝贝常说:“路 还有很长,不要为了一点挫折就打退堂鼓”
好吧 我尝试看看

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


答案不疑有否。吵架,是否是每对情侣都会?我们 好像从没吵过架。我常气他就是真!小气巴拉,我 第一名。啰嗦唠叨,非我莫属。像极了黄脸婆,欧巴桑。X )
他 常炫耀自己有双巧手,什么都会。尤其是艺术方面,打死都不承认我的才华。喂...我也有艺术细胞的 欧颗?别忘了,你有学过;而我没有。我最讨厌这方面被否认,别否定我!天秤座最有艺术天分了,大众皆知~哈
他是生活白痴,神经超大条。那种地步简直让人 哭笑不得,惨不忍睹。扫个地可以让我冷汗直流...=_="' <<像这样 算我倒霉,以后的家务通通我来。靠你?免了 =P

他还是个动物疯!感觉很大爱酱...其实不然。假假的... 尤其是鱼类和狗狗。他爱死了!很想问他个蠢问题:如果有天他的宝贝黄金猎犬和我同时掉下海,他第一时间会先救谁?他肯定会说 救我。因为...他的宝贝狗会游泳 O>_想怎样?气死我
看到狗就像我看到亚纶酱...哼,肯定输我。看到亚纶我是整个疯了~我的亚纶;我的一切~ 怎样?不爽?=P
天天听他念,念到我也爱屋及乌。不过 我是爱狗多多。雪瑞纳,爱死她。还有小型红贵宾。一个是丞琳的;一个是亚纶的妹妹。呼...幸福 幸福厚~

他有着所有男生都不会有的细心。就连男生都会称他为‘细心的男人’ 喂...别飞走哦...我还需要你勒。^ 3^
38得没话说。正好和我的性格相反。我是那种和人混熟后才敢大聊特聊的人,他是38得和任何人都能混很熟。不过 还好有他,不然我可能还是个自毙到没话说的女生。
欧颗啦 来...chu 一个~
我爱你丫 好吗?




该检讨 检讨

虽然有时候他是真的没跟我解释,但 事后都会乖乖从实招来
无论如何,都该和我商量 好么?


好 我当然相信我宝贝的话
因为 我很爱他

这样 够么?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


即使是生我的气 至少也该让我知道
不想对对方有任何的猜疑 这是最好的方法么?
也许 是我想太多

为何 你好像不把你的心里话告诉我
还是 觉得没必要让我知道
可能 真的是我想得太多

有时候 你一定觉得我很烦 对吧?
很惹人讨厌的性格 我都知道
误会了你 一定觉得不耐烦

其实 我不喜欢那样的你
不过 又如何?
还是 算了吧


但 等下的考试该如何面对
有谁能告诉我 谁?

压力接拢而来 无力

算了 放弃算了吧

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I want my salary

Omg...I think I'll get mad soon...
When just can I get my salary huh? Don't just said soon, soon and soon! But I don't even see the action!!! The job I finished it at the month of August but then, until now I don't see the 'shadow' of my salary!!! Urghhhh!!!!!!
One of my friend said, their salary get 2 weeks after they finished the job. But how about me? My salary? U think I stand there promote ur things is an easy job?? Don't be foolish!!! If so, u can try to do it by yourself!
U said, the check will be bank in to my account after 2 months I finished the job. U said this, did u remember?? Don't play a fool with me! I need my money!!! I want it back!!! I'll not work for nothing!!!
I know, I am not the one only. Out there still got many 'victim' like me! Can't u please just give me my MONEY back?? Can't u??? It is just a simply job for u. So, please...please give my MONEY back to me!